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May 5, 2022 Newsby Marisa Wexler MSStudy Finds New Molecules Targeted by the Immune System

Researchers have identified four new brain proteins that are targeted by inflammatory T-cells in multiple sclerosis (MS), which could aid in the development of more specific and safer treatments for people with the condition. The study, “Identification of four novel T cell autoantigens and personal autoreactive profiles in…

inflammation in MS | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of a neuron

May 4, 2022 Newsby Lindsey Shapiro PhDMaresin-1 Molecule Eases Inflammation, Symptoms in Mouse Model

Administering the maresin-1 molecule — a natural anti-inflammatory in the body — in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS) led to lower levels of inflammation and improved neurological function, a recent study showed. Maresin-1 and other molecules in its family are called specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) and are…

MS and incontinence | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | main graphic for

May 4, 2022 Columnsby Beth UllahRecovering My Self-esteem After Adapting to MS-related Incontinence

Without hesitation, I would say that my bladder and bowel issues have been the hardest symptoms to manage and overcome following my MS diagnosis. It comes down to one thing: the fear of having an accident in public.

cannabis | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of medical marijuana

May 4, 2022 Newsby Marisa Wexler MSCannabis ‘Highly Effective’ Against MS Symptoms, Some Users Report

More than half of Canadians with multiple sclerosis (MS) report using cannabis to help manage their symptoms, according to a new study. The study, “Medical cannabis use in Canadians with multiple sclerosis,” was published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. Humans have used the cannabis plant for millennia,…

Tysabri dosing | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of medicine bottle labeled clinical trials

May 3, 2022 Newsby Marisa Wexler MSTysabri Every 6 Weeks Found as Effective as Standard 4-week Dosing

Tysabri (natalizumab) given every six weeks was found to be similarly effective as the standard four-week dosing schedule at stopping nervous system damage in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). That’s according to the full results of the Phase 3b NOVA clinical trial, which compared Tysabri dosing schedules…

MS prognosis, life expectancy | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of sky with sun setting

May 3, 2022 Newsby Marta Figueiredo PhDUncertainties of MS Challenging in Scary Ways: UK Patient Survey

The uncertainties that accompany multiple sclerosis (MS) are among the biggest challenges faced by people with the disease, with two-thirds of patients in a recent survey saying “they’re scared for the future” because of such unknowns, the MS Society, which conducted the U.K. survey, reports. “We may all think the…

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May 2, 2022 Columnsby Ed TobiasMS News That Caught My Eye Last Week: PoNS, MS Survey, Nerve Damage Biomarker, Tolebrutinib

PoNS Device for MS-associated Gait Problems Now Available in US One clinical trial showed that MS patients who used the portable neuromodulation stimulator (PoNS) device as part of an exercise program had greater improvements in gait than those using only the exercise program. A second trial showed that those…

MS Society of Canada | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of a woman sitting

May 2, 2022 Newsby Mary ChapmanMS Society Canada Raising Millions With Rappel Gear, Office Tower

In an unusual challenge, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is raising millions to promote multiple sclerosis (MS) research in that country by having supporters rappel off the roof of a downtown Toronto office building. More than 145 individuals across at least 36 teams are expected to participate in the…

icobrain MRI system | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | illustration of doctor examining charts

May 2, 2022 Newsby Marisa Wexler MSNICE Briefing Covers Icobrain System for Automated MRI Scans

The National Institute for Health and Care Evidence (NICE) in England has issued a briefing on the use of Icometrix‘s icobrain system to assess disease activity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) based on MRI scans. The NICE statement was in the form of a medtech innovation briefing, or…

sodium | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | main graphic for the column

April 29, 2022 Columnsby John ConnorThe MSer Who Lay in Bed for 2 Years and Can Now Walk Again

My column’s handle is “Fall Down, Get Up Again” because the first piece I wrote for Multiple Sclerosis News Today was titled “A Mountain to Climb with MS — in My Living Room.” That column got me this gig five years ago. It was set in 2012, mind you,…

PoNS device | Multiple Sclerosis News Today | people running

April 29, 2022 Newsby Lindsey Shapiro PhDPoNS Device for MS-associated Gait Problems Now Available in US

The portable neuromodulation stimulator (PoNS) device, which improves walking abilities in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), is now available  commercially in the U.S. for patients ages 22 and older who have a prescription from their healthcare provider. The device was approved last year by the U.S. Food…

Unusual Symptoms of MS

MS: Strangest Symptoms From Head to Toe Extreme fatigue, clumsiness, weird prickly sensations, sluggish thinking, wonky vision -- these are classic and common first symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or MS. But the expected stops here. Damage to the central nervous...

The Amazing Power of Microbiota

Inside your gut lies an unexpected world, teeming with microorganisms. This tiny universe, invisible to our eyes, plays an immense role in our health. In this article, we explain what the microbiota really is and why it deserves your full attention. What is the...

Common MS Drug Causes Rare but Potentially Deadly Allergic Reactions, FDA Warns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added a so-called “black box” (“boxed warning”) alert to the multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) and its generic version, Glatopa, because of rare but potentially fatal allergic...

How vitamin B12 deficiency can affect adults dangerously

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is involved in numerous bodily functions. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, plays a vital role in red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, neurological health, and energy production. However, despite being such an...

FOX Meteorologist Janice Dean’s Forecast for Life with MS is Bright

Thanks to advances in multiple sclerosis research and treatments, Dean is confident that the future for patients like her is sunny. Janice Dean has been nicknamed "The Weather Machine" and "Weather Queen" by her FOX News colleagues as a testament to her tenacious...

Incremental Upgrades to Help Manage MS: Boost Your Lifestyle with Simple Changes

Navigating the complexities of multiple sclerosis (MS) often makes adopting a healthy lifestyle feel overwhelming. However, by embracing small, achievable modifications, you can improve your well-being without a radical overhaul of your entire lifestyle. This approach...

Highlights from ECTRIMS 2024 – Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center Presentations

We are excited to share the latest research insights from the Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) presented at the ECTRIMS 2024 meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. This year, BNAC showcased six compelling abstracts highlighting advancements in understanding...

Home Adaptations: Simple Changes for Enhanced Accessibility

Creating a home environment that accommodates everyone’s needs, regardless of physical limitations, is a compassionate and necessary endeavor. It involves thoughtful consideration of individual challenges and the strategic implementation of modifications. By focusing on personal requirements, safety, technology, and structural adaptations, you can transform any living space into a sanctuary that promotes independence and ease of living. Here are some tips from My MS Family to get you started!


  As I sit here wanting to get my thoughts out, An image of me stranded in a body of stagnant water comes about.   The water is dark and I'm all alone, Holding on to dear life with all its unknown.   I'm cold and numb and not sure what to think. How...


It’s understandable to feel concerned about how someone might react when you share something personal and sensitive like your diagnosis. However, being open and honest is essential for building trust in any relationship, and if she truly cares for you, she will...

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