MS now what are my decisions?

What Is a Physiatrist?

What Is a Physiatrist?

Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care. It reduces your quality of life and restricts daily activities, contributing to higher rates of depression and anxiety. Untreated pain is also associated with an increased risk of health problems like heart disease, respiratory infections, and reduced mobility. 

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Living Well with MS

Living Well with MS

A large array of MS information stemming from Living with MS physically and emotional to financial security to relationships

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition with symptoms such as fatigue, pain, bladder and bowel problems, sexual dysfunction, movement and coordination difficulties, vision and cognition changes, and emotional/mental health problems.

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MS Medications

MS Medications

Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) can prevent acute MS attacks, or relapses, and slow the progression of the disease, thereby preventing physical and cognitive disability. Other drugs, primarily corticosteroids, are used to help control severe symptoms during relapses.

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What Happens if Multiple Sclerosis Goes Untreated?

What Happens if Multiple Sclerosis Goes Untreated?

n many chronic conditions, the way the disease will progress over months or years is relatively predictable. That’s not the case with multiple sclerosis (MS); while some people with the disease may be only mildly impacted over years or even decades, others may lose their ability to walk, speak, or swallow over time. And many are affected cognitively, meaning their ability to think, focus, and remember may be impaired, making it difficult to hold down a job.

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