MS: Strangest Symptoms From Head to Toe Extreme fatigue, clumsiness, weird prickly sensations, sluggish thinking, wonky vision -- these are classic and common first symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or MS. But the expected stops here. Damage to the central nervous...

FOX Meteorologist Janice Dean’s Forecast for Life with MS is Bright
Thanks to advances in multiple sclerosis research and treatments, Dean is confident that the future for patients like her is sunny. Janice Dean has been nicknamed “The Weather Machine” and “Weather Queen” by her FOX News colleagues as a...
It’s understandable to feel concerned about how someone might react when you share something personal and sensitive like your diagnosis. However, being open and honest is essential for building trust in any relationship, and if she truly cares for you, she will...
The Power Within
We have the power to determine our worth. It is time to stop putting ourselves down and realize the value, skills, and creativity that we each can bring to the workplace. Daily, I hear people share with me about their struggles with their self-worth whether it is not...
I Have What?
Why am I telling my story, because other MS patients share some of these views with me. Why me, and where do I go Next. This disease is a family disease. I do not mean a hereditary disease but a disease that affects the family and true friends. How do they act around...
My letter to me!
By Ed XXXXX Hi Many letters start this way with the words “Where to begin”. I think mine should definitely start that way. I was 16 when I was diagnosed with MS. Back in 1974 MS was not a very well known disease (okay let’s do the math 2015-1974 means I’ve had...