Scientists have uncovered new clues implicating a type of herpes virus as the cause of a central nervous system

Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection – John Cacioppo
John T. Cacioppo’s groundbreaking research topples one of the pillars of modern medicine and psychology: the focus on the individual as the unit of inquiry. By employing brain scans, monitoring blood pressure, and analyzing immune function, he demonstrates the...
I Have What?
Why am I telling my story, because other MS patients share some of these views with me. Why me, and where do I go Next. This disease is a family disease. I do not mean a hereditary disease but a disease that affects the family and true friends. How do they act around...
My letter to me!
By Ed XXXXX Hi Many letters start this way with the words “Where to begin”. I think mine should definitely start that way. I was 16 when I was diagnosed with MS. Back in 1974 MS was not a very well known disease (okay let’s do the math 2015-1974 means I’ve had...
Here is my story!
I was first diagnosed about 13 yrs ago. I’ve lost a lot in the process. My marriage is being tested every day, My MS has progressed in ways that I didn’t see coming. I’m turning 50 this year and I’m scared about my future. I don’t know...
Here is my letter to self- Dear Self,
My letter to me By L XXXXXHi-Ok…where oh where to begin?I recently read a word-Confidence. It was on a sign. Where is my confidence? It is hidden somewhere. Buried deep somewhere. I need to dig it up, and shake the dirt off, and put it to use. Daily.Then I read a...