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RecoveriX is a new neuro-rehabilitation training method that uses the power o f neuroplasticity to help stroke and multiple sclerosis patients regain lost motor function of their upper and lower limbs.

Patients are equipped with an EEG cap that measures brain activity, which is then translated into movement of an avatar on a computer screen as well as functional electrical stimulation of the targeted limb. This biofeedback loop helps patients relearn motor skills and regain coordination in a way that is both engaging and effective.

RecoveriX combines seven established standard therapies recommended by organizations such as the American Stroke Association and the Canadian Stroke Association for stroke patients. Furthermore, it integrates cognitive tasks with movement exercises, which makes the therapy more successful for multiple sclerosis as well as stroke patients. The seven approaches are:

  • Motor Imagery
  • Virtual Reality
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Mirror Neuron Therapy
  • Bilateral Training
  • Constraint-induced Movement Therapy
  • Task-based Therapy
RecoveriX helps to decrease pain, spasticity and tremor which leads to further improvements of gross and fine motor skills, concentration, passive joint movements, sensitivity, bladder control, sexual function, balance, gait and numbness of the face, body or extremities. It’s particularly striking that clients feel less fatigue and experience a decrease of foot freezing or foot drop.

As an immersive, computer-based therapy it engages the patient to actively participate in the training. It supplements standard physical and occupational therapy with the chance for a quicker and more successful recovery. It can be used in the acute, sub-acute, or chronic states – even 10, 20 or 30 years after stroke or multiple sclerosis diagnosis!

The clinical effectiveness was shown in a group study with 52 patients who improved in motor functions and spasticity highly significant.