Support Programs

Support Groups (in-person and virtual)
There’s no replacing the value of having the support of a room full of people who know exactly the challenges that you live with on a daily basis. Our support groups include the following:
York Region Virtual Group – 3rd Thursday of the month @ 7:00-8:30pm – meets online here:
Bolton Virtual Group – 2nd & 4th Mon of the month at 2:00 – 2:45pm – meets online here:
Link to be Provided
Woodbridge In-Person Group – (Meet once a month contact info@mymsfamily.com for time and date )
Meet here:
Vellore Village Community Centre
1 Villa Royale Ave, Rm #3, Woodbridge
Richmond Hill In-Person Group – (Meet once a month contact info@mymsfamily.com for time and date )
Meets here:
25 Marshall Street
Yonge & Observatory Lane
Across from Hillcrest Mall
Community Room, Main Floor
Call for entrance: 416-816-4787

Equipment Program
Equipment, such as wheelchairs and for people with physical disabilities can be terribly expensive. Often the Province of Ontario will fund 75% of the cost through their Assistive Devices Program.
Unfortunately, the 25% co-pay is frequently too much for the average consumer, who has many other disability-related expenses to cover. We try to help with some or all of that 25%.
We also accept donations of gently used equipment that can be repurposed for one of our My MS Family members.

Educational Webinars & Seminars
Knowledge is power and when you live with chronic illness, it’s vital that you take back as much power as possible. To help you with that, we regularly host informational and educational webinars, workshops and seminars. Some are delivered in-person and others by Zoom. Either way, the topic is always relevant to people living with multiple sclerosis. Recommendations for guest speakers are encouraged and welcome.

Home Services Program (coming soon)
When your energy is significantly limited, it’s not uncommon to have to choose between cleaning the house or going outside to play with your kids. You can’t possibly do both. Or, your balance is so bad that you can’t do any kind of stretching, reaching or standing in one spot too long, without falling over. Hence, we fund house cleaning or other home-maintenance activities.

Coffee with a Buddy
Disability often involves isolation because it’s not unusual for us to have trouble with transportation. The truth is spending too much time alone is not good for our mental health. The Coffee with a Buddy Program helps to reduce that isolation. Benefits of socialization may include: a longer life, better physical & mental health, lower risk of dementia and greater resilience to stress factors in the long run.
Volunteer Training
The best way to get out of yourself and your struggles is to help someone else on their journey. Volunteering is one of the healthiest ways to feel useful and valued, which leads to positive mental health. Contact us about our upcoming events. Training will always be provided, which makes even more of a positive impact on your self-image, and you build your skills sets and confidence along the way.

Empowering the MS Community: A Message of Support from Dr. Bruno
Hello Peter,
A belated happy new year to you!!
I am very happy to continue to direct persons living with MS in York Region (and beyond) to your group. It is so very important for persons living with MS to have peer support, help with advocacy, and for your group to continue to champion health care, as well as accessibility and social programs. Please keep me updated on any progress you may have had on the York region rehab hospital project. I hope progress is steady.
On a separate note, I would like to let you know that I have booked air travel and hotel accommodations for the ECTRIMS meeting in Copenhagen (September 2024) and am eagerly awaiting the opening of registration (which is likely to happen in March). I am working on a first author paper for publication and will also try to present a poster at the conference. The support of My MS Family in helping to get me to ECTRIMS is so greatly appreciated. I am really looking forward to presenting the highlights of that conference to your members come the fall.
Be well,

Appreciation Letter from West Park Healthcare Centre
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